Some basic ways to care for your cast iron:
1. Raise your right hand and repeat after me: "I solemnly swear to keep my cast iron seasoned." If you do, it will never stick! You can even wash it with soap & water if you keep it well seasoned and oiled. However, NEVER let water sit in it. I prefer to wash it with boiling water and oil it (only occasionally soaping it.)
2. Seasoning your cast iron: Oil it and put it in the oven to season. I use Canola oil (it has a higher smoke point and doesn't turn into trans fat like olive oil does.) I just preheat the oven to 250 degrees and check it occasionally--sticking a wooden spoon it the oil to be sure it doesn't congeal.
Here's a fantastic write up on cast iron. Interesting cast iron fact: it actually adds iron to your diet. To get the full benefits of this cook tomato sauces in it; they pull the iron out more.
Magnetic Knife Holder:
$10 bucks at Ikea equals sharp knives and a happy cook!!! 'Nuff said. :0)
Over the holidays, I cut my finger chopping carrots with a dull knife (forgot to bring my own to a cabin we rented, duh!) Granted, Lemon Drop Martinis were involved (recipe to follow after I perfect it.) ;0) However, I still blame the dull knife. I have had the occasional tipsy kitchen adventure and I never cut myself. Wouldn't live without a great way to store knives: cooking is more enjoyable when your tools are sharp.
P.S. I'm not affiliated with any of the makers of this schtuff--I just likes it! :0)
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